Clap Your Hands
Collage 4 X 4
Oh, Beautiful
Collage 4 X 4
As you can see, I'm still working small. I started to do some collage along with my other media just to keep things interesting.
Oh Clap Your Hands is from Psalm 47, we used to sing it many years ago and it comes to mind when I want to focus on the awesomeness of God rather than the messed up world we live in. He is the ultimate authority, I'm learning to trust that truth.
Oh Beautiful was done for Independence Day, from the song, "America!" No matter what is going on today, this country is beautiful and has come through many struggles that I'm sure baffled the people of the times. With God's help we will come through this too. God will continue to "shed His grace" if we ask Him to. I truly believe that.
In the meantime, I'm going to keep on, keeping on!