This little painting was my view from the balcony of the QM2 on one of the brighter days at sea.
Our trip across the Atlantic reminded me of the old silly Navy song; "I joined the Navy to see the world and what did I see? I saw the sea!" We had a nice balcony stateroom but there wasn't much to look at. There was a report of a whale sighting and dolphins but not when I was looking. Truth be told, the whale sighting wasn't more that seeing the spout way off on the horizon. Most of the weather was also gray and rather stormy so it was hard to paint with the constant motion of the ship even though it had modern stabilizers. This is not to say it wasn't a pleasant way to cross the ocean, it was; they even had a watercolor class (which I didn't take advantage of). There were many lovely things about it, I just had a hard time getting into the zone for painting.
Even though this is one of your less complex paintings, I would call it my favorite so far! It's the colors! They just pull me in immediately! Soft and wet and watercolory. I often think it's the colors in a painting that attract us most. It's something I'd like to explore in my mind...only I'm too busy painting - haha!