Sunday, June 02, 2013

The Final Collages

 Looking Askance
4 X 6 Collage on mat board

I'm coming to the end of my collage making. It's time to move on to other things and get out some paint. On this collage I used an image transfer for the lady, and a mix of manufactured papers, napkins and papers that I have painted and stamped.

 Bluebird Song
4 X 6 Collage on mat board

This is one of my favorites. I love the bluebird I found on a new napkin, the stringy stuff on the lower right and the connections that the script makes with the edges. It seems to keep my eye entertained around the composition.

 Happy Birthday Cheer
5 X 5 Collage on mat board

Since I am using these images to make note cards I thought I might as well make one with Happy Birthday already on it. Most of the background of this image is hand painted papers with the words, flowers, script and notes from various napkins and papers. 

Lucky Streak
4 X 4 collage on mat board

I like this one a lot, as well. I see in it possibilities for a larger composition, which is one of my goals for doing all of these in the first place. It's not just to place images on paper but to place them in a pleasing composition that will stand on it's own. Some were more successful that others and that's what learning is all about.

I'd like to know if my readers have a favorite or two and why. If you have time and will write in my comments box I'd appreciate it. Also, if you are a facebook user I'd love to have you "like" my art page Jan-Werdin-Art


  1. Jan, I came on here to thank you for commenting on my blog and what do I see,? all these beautiful collages.. Funny thing but it's what I do also ,when not painting , Making handmade journals, and working with papers..
    I love text on anything ,, all languages, and all styles,, so the only thing I can say is that I like all of yours.
    It's such a great way to be creative, but it's more than just gluing on pieces so I know that it isn't easy to get the pleasing compositions that you've done. Very good indeed. !!
    Barbra Joan ( BJ )

  2. Thanks for sharing that wonderful quote above and your lovely artwork. I'm truly inspired more than ever.


  3. Hi -- I read your comment about Giverny on ParisBreakfasts and I have to tell you that you are totally right: Monet's kitchen is blue, his dining room is yellow...among the various bits of misinformation on Carol's blog is her confusion about that; she seems unable to tell the difference between the two rooms. Just had to let you know, especially since her reply to you seems very rude.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad my memory isn't getting as bad off as some of the rest of my body.

