Watercolor 6.5 X 7.5
Watercolor 11 X 7
When I haven't been dealing with tropical storms or traveling to see family I get to keep practicing the loose watercolor style of Jean Haines. Mostly these sessions are when I go to my local art league for Open Painting. Artists of all mediums and skill levels meet once a week and work on their own projects. We thrive on the creative energy that is generated by a room full of artists. The more experienced offer suggestions to the novice, we find out about new products and share our passion with each other.
The little dog, Cassie, also comes to our Open Painting sessions. She is very well behaved and sits on a cushioned chair next to her human, Gini. She is somewhat of a "princess" who expects to be petted and adored by all who pass by. The Kingfisher is from Jean Haines book World of Watercolor. The blue and yellow was a random background textured with plastic wrap, the bird was added after the background was dry.