Monday, March 08, 2010

20-30 More Minutes

I couldn't leave it at 20 minutes, it was too wishy-washy for me. I had to go back in today and punch up the colors. But the leaf on the lower left has too many veins in it, I got a little carried away with the scraper. When I do another 20 minute painting I'm going to remember to really lay the pigment in so that it doesn't turn out so washed out. I guess that's what the exercise is all about, learning each time to you do something.

1 comment:

  1. Contrary to what happens most often, I think your later additions really did improve your painting--the added crispness works.
    Beautiful greens and reds, and nice mottling in the leaves. I love a subject like this--one branch.
    (Thanks for commenting on my blog--what are the four yellows you use?)

